Comparison: Samsung Galaxy Buds 2 Pro vs Buds 2 vs Buds Pro
In this article, we are going to compare the Samsung Galaxy Buds 2 Pro’s sound quality to Samsung’s (previous) best wireless earbuds. Of course I’m talking about the Samsung Buds Pro. We’re going to compare their sound, call quality and noise cancelling. And to cap things off I will talk about my conclusions about the Buds 2 Pro. So this is gonna be a very simple, straight to the point comparison. I’ve got more Buds 2 Pro related content coming up soon, so do subscribe to my YouTube channel.
(From left) Galaxy Buds 2, Galaxy Buds2 Pro, Galaxy Buds Pro.
Sound Quality
When I was comparing the Buds 2 Pro’s sound quality to the rest side by side, the first thing that was really obvious is that Samsung has tuned them to sound a little brighter, especially when listening to female vocals. According to my frequency sweep, it shows that there is a spike right there in the 1.4khz range, with a sharp Q-factor. This spike is gonna make vocals sound brighter, but it’s a little more obvious with female vocalists like in this song. In this song I want you guys to listen to the differences in the gravity in her voice, and the timbre of the guitar strings.

So, compared to the Buds Pro or the Buds 2, you will get brighter sounding mids on the Buds 2 Pro. Now, whether it’s a good thing or not depends on your taste in sound. Because some people do like more crispness and less weight in vocals, others do prefer a heavier, warmer sound. In terms of bass performance, I personally prefer the Buds 2 Pro, because it seems to have a tighter punch, and more impact in the sub bass. This next track will do a better job of showing you how its bass sounds compared to the Buds Pro and the Buds 2. Listen to the extension and punch in the bass frequencies.
Call Quality
I think the Buds 2 Pro definitely sounded more natural in a quiet setting, but in challenging noisy conditions, it definitely needs more work. I think the Buds 2, the regular one, had better background noise cancelling, although my voice did sound more robotic compared to the Buds 2 Pro. You can hear their difference in call quality here.
Noise Cancelling
Comparing the Buds 2 Pro’s active noise cancelling to the Buds Pro, it is definitely an improvement in the sense that it cancels more mid-range frequency noise. This means the chatter of people in noisy places like the cafe or resturant will be less audible on the Buds 2 Pro. Listen to the test here.
To conclude, after I’ve had the opportunity to really compare the Buds 2 Pro to the others, I have to say that, yes, in some ways the Buds 2 Pro is a definite improvement. For example, the fit is actually better. Yes, these are a little smaller than the Buds Pro, but they do have a rounder shape, so it locks into my ears a little better.
It’s not something you can tell immediately when you first try the Buds 2 Pro, but only if it’s compared side by side to the others can you really tell that it locks in better. It’s also an upgrade in terms of noise cancelling, and it now supports the latest “hi-res” codec from Samsung, the Samsung Seamless Codec HiFi.
SSC is effectively a replacement for the old Scalable codec. So you’ll get the same variable bit rate switching, but it also supports 24-bit audio streaming right now. Do note that it is only supported if it’s streaming over the latest Samsung devices running on One UI 4.0 or later.
It’s also got a few more tricks in the Samsung Wearable app.

The EQ presets have visuals now, the touch controls are more customizable. Previously you can only customize the long tap gesture, now all taps and gestures can be set to your preference. But something that you do lose with the Buds 2 Pro is the ability to set your preferred ambient sound level. Perhaps Samsung decided this wasn’t necessary, maybe they’ve made it automatic. But if you needed that, you aren’t gonna get it on the 2 Pro.
Some things aren’t exactly an improvement. For example its call quality and sound. In terms of bass, it’s definitely an improvement in my books because I like tight, punchy bass. But otherwise I do prefer the warmer vocals on the older Buds Pro and Buds 2. But what do you think? Which one sounds better, the Buds 2 Pro, Buds Pro, or the Buds 2? Comment below.
You can find out the latest price and buy them through the Amazon links here.
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Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro -
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Samsung Galaxy Buds2 Pro -
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