FAKE vs REAL Sony WF-1000XM5 - BEWARE! 🤔
What? A Sony WF-1000XM5 for $35 USD? Guys, it's obviously fake.
If you notice something like this on an online store, even if the seller says "it's an OEM product, came from the same factory as the retail model, but was rejected due to defects" or "it doesn't work with the app because this is a Hong Kong model, and it only works with the local version of the app." Beware — it's a scam.

In the following content, I'll explain why to prevent you from falling for a scam. If you did purchase them, you can use this article as evidence to show that they are fakes and request a refund. Please excuse any strong language, but I will be cursing a lot in this article because I despise these counterfeiters. Look, I'm perfectly fine if it's a replica and the seller is transparent about it. Because, believe it or not, some individuals prefer to purchase replicas. But when they try to pass it off as genuine, it crosses the line into scumbag territory.
This was something I covered a long time ago.
I've seen how these people work because they made the very same thing with Marshall headphones. This was something I wrote about a while back, and the incident nearly killed Marshall's headphones line. The counterfeit products looked almost identical to the real ones, and because Marshall headphones lacked a companion app for authentication, no one could verify their authenticity. The scammers took advantage of this, stating that the low pricing was due to the rejected stock from the same factory. Obviously, it’s BLATANT FLIPPING LIES. There, I said it — the F word.
Comparison: Fake vs Real Sony WF-1000XM5
The fake Sony WF-1000XM5 comes in this box, which at first glance appears to be the real deal. However, upon closer inspection, the material itself is very different. The wrapper and box are more glossy, and the fake has far fewer printing on it, with no details and icons. Additionally, the printing quality on the XM5 earbuds is not as dark or sharp as on the genuine product. Another telltale sign is that the authentic product has a glossy overlay on the image, whereas the fake ones do not. Perhaps the scammers lack the budget of a large global company.

As we unbox this item, you'll notice how cheaply produced it is. They couldn't even use thick stickers like the original ones. When you open it, you can see the front of the box with "1000X" embossed on it, as well as another embossing on the back that is much larger than the original box. It claims "Original Blended Material". More like a combination of lies and deception.

When you open up the box, you'll see the earbud charging case. There is no wrapping paper, and the case feels smoother to the touch than the real ones, which have a sandpaper texture. It also feels lighter and flimsier. When I open the case, I notice that the hinge is quite weak and has minimal tension. Unlike the originals, it seems like snapping it off requires relatively little effort.

Moreover, the earbuds—wow. They appear to be quite fake. Why is the green LED so bright? And what is the white LED in the grille? Why does the grille look so glossy and different? Why does it have silicone tips instead of foam? Why are there so many spelling errors in the manual? Or should I say "smanual?" And why is the manual's paper so glossy? That's because it's F A K E. FAKE. By the way, nice piano shine surface, jerks.

However, it lacks the same features as the original. There is no app support, no wireless charging, no noise cancelling or transparency, no multipoint, no high-res codec, and the controls are limited to 2 functions: pause, play, and voice assistant. But is it possible that it sounds decent? Perhaps as good as the originals?
Sound Quality
Absolutely not! The sound quality is abysmal. It's like someone stuffed a cheap radio in there or something. And they’re not even balanced, like there’s very little bass on the right earbud, but heavy, bloaty bass on the left which completely destroys the soundstage.
👉 Have a listen to the sound samples.
It only has one microphone in the left earpiece. And since we've come this far, we might as well test the mic pickup. To be honest, I would be very surprised if the fake mics turned out to be good.
👉 Have a listen to the microphone quality samples.
(Tested in quiet and noisy conditions with café noise and fan wind.)
As expected, the mic pickup is terrible. The voice comes across as soft and distant, with almost no background noise reduction. By comparison, the real one is much louder and cleaner.
In conclusion, distinguish between authentic and counterfeit XM5s is crucial to avoid falling victim to scams. While counterfeiters may improve the quality of the fakes over time, purchasing from reputable sources remains the best approach. Remember, if a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is, and if the product doesn't work with the app, it's likely a fake. Stay vigilant and prioritise authenticity when making purchases to ensure a good experience.
Alternatively, if you want to be sure, I’ve got an Amazon link below to a legit source for the XM5 earbuds which you can buy from.
Here's how to tell fake from real Sony WF-1000XM5:
Legit Sony WF-1000XM5 here - https://amzn.to/3JGI1uN
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